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project description

Brand extension from Absolute Bliss

This is an individual project, an extension to a group project, where we were allowed to chose an existing brand and create a brand extension. As a group, we chose Absolute as our brand, and created Absolute Bliss as our brand extension – a traveling experience that offers cultural and authentic places to visit. We also decided to incorporate the limited vodka bottles with our brand extension. Afterwards, each member of the group was asked to design a marketing an advertising campaign and this was my outcome. 


The information provided on the poster was researched in detail in order to find intimate experiences for tourists. I used the locator symbol from the logo as the influence behind the focus of the overall design, in order to emphasize the immersion part offered within the brand's package. The tagline was altered in association to the location advertised in each poster: Pure Sweden and Pure Brazil. All these factors enhances the message of our Brand Extension: Authentic, Intimate, Cultural.

AbsolutPostersFinal2-01_edited (1).jpg
AbsolutPostersFInals1-01 (1).jpg
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